A distinctive look for the OAC
When we were first engaged, the OAC lacked some basic branding and communication tools. Understandable as they are doctors, busy saving lives. We did a complete brand review looking at their Identity through their Mission, Values and Goals. Working with their Board of Directors, we created “Brand at a Glance”, a definitive piece that articulates the OAC Position. A Brand Standards Guide followed, ensuring that all communications from letterhead to animated video, whether digital or print, always supports the OAC Brand Promise.
Print design
In a highly digital world, print is often ignored. But its personal and tactile nature can make it memorable. We write and design an annual newsletter and membership package using original photography.
Website design & development
The website must be attractive and easy to use for all audiences; members, media, public and government. An intuitive log-in feature ensures information is directed at the right audience and a scrolling “news ticker” keeps things current. This distinctive feature can be written and posted in seconds by the OAC themselves.
Custom animation and video
It is simply not an option anymore to exclude video from your storytelling mix. The trick lies in doing it right with respect for time, budget, quality and the audience’s intelligence. We used hand drawn animation to define the enormous capabilities of a single heart. We put a documentary crew inside a hospital emergency room to see cardiologists save lives in real time. No number of “words only” documents could replace the power of these two award winning videos.