Time for a quick pat on the back! We are proud to announce that our documentary production “The Ties that Bind” has won a Platinum MarCom Award!
We are thrilled to receive this recognition and share it with the good people on the north shore of Lake Superior who participated and helped make it happen.
LTR would like to dedicate this award to Bob.

The amazing story of Canada’s Lake Superior Railway Route
Near the ghost town of Jack Fish, on the shore of northern Lake Superior, is a monument that celebrates an amazing feat of engineering. This section of Canadian Pacific Railway tied east and west Canada together for the first time. Up until the last moments in the 1880s, the plan called for the tracks to go south of Lake Superior, through the United States. That would have meant a critical part of Canada’s earliest transportation network would have been controlled by a foreign nation (Just imagine negotiating NAFTA if the CPR cut through the USA today!).
The reason they even considered the southern route was because the northern route was referred to as “200 miles of impossible engineering”. But 12,000 men, 5,000 horses and a lot of black powder changed that.
For Canada’s 150th birthday we produced a film and interactive kiosk about this amazing story. We captured stunning aerial footage of the coastal CPR, the lake and terrain, from Nipigon through Rossport, Pays Plat, Schreiber, Terrace Bay and Marathon. The 17-minute story is told by people who grew up here … living and working with the railway. It’s a story of vision, hard work, immigration and family. A common comment is “it makes me proud to be Canadian”. Former Pays Plat Chief Tibisqo M’kwa (Raymond Goodchild) says “it united us … it madeus one … it made us a whole nation”.

The MarCom Awards are an international competition for marketing and communications that recognize the creativity, hard work and generosity of industry professionals.
MarCom is one of the largest, most-respected creative competitions in the world. Each year over 6,000 print and digital entries are submitted from all over the world.